
Revolutionizing Plastic Waste Management: How the KBI System is Redefining Recycling

May 6th, 2024 by

In a world grappling with the environmental crisis of plastic pollution, innovative solutions are crucial. Proper plastic disposal solutions are essential to prevent environmental harm and promote sustainability. It is where Kwik Bagit Closed-Loop Rewards Recycling System steps in as a game-changer in plastic waste management. Developed by Harold Sokyrka, CEO and Founder of Best Way Recycling and Consulting, this system stands as a pioneer in the fight against plastic waste.

Challenges in Traditional Recycling Methods

Traditional recycling methods often fall short, with contamination and co-mingling reducing the efficacy of recycling efforts. Compared to traditional recycling companies which struggle to retrieve less than 10% of what is collected at curbside due to contamination and co-mingling, the ‘KBI System‘ successfully pre-sorts and retrieves over 80% of household and business plastics. This way the KBI system prevents the deadly plastics from reaching the landfill and remaining in the environment for years to come.

Pre-sorting for Success: The KBI System’s Innovative Approach

The KBI System revolutionizes recycling by pre-sorting valuable post-consumer plastics before they reach curbside bins. Sokyrka emphasizes, “Our reusable, washable, recyclable bags have been used to eliminate single-use plastic bags from entering beverage redemption depots and municipal landfills. They are the foundation for the benefits of the ‘KBI System’.”

Empowering Sustainability: How the KBI System Supports Local Initiatives

One of the most significant advantages of the KBI System is its contribution to community sustainability. Sokyrka highlights, “As consumers and businesses are challenged with rising food and housing costs, there is reduced residual income left to donate, and this is an excellent way to raise needed funds for schools and non-profit groups in a community.” By incentivizing recycling and revenue-sharing, the system not only diverts plastic waste but also generates funds for schools and non-profits.

Driving Change: The Environmental Benefits of the KBI System

Beyond community benefits, the KBI System significantly reduces plastic waste’s environmental footprint. By pre-sorting and sending quality, uncontaminated materials directly to re-processors, it diverts millions of tons of plastic from landfills and waterways. This approach aligns with the global imperative to achieve “Net Zero Plastic” and create a more sustainable circular economy.


KBI’s ‘Kwik Bagit’ Recycling bags aren’t just for collecting waste. They’re a big move towards a greener tomorrow. To contact Harold Sokyrka directly, WhatsApp +01-306-717-3895 or email It’s time to embrace the future of recycling and pave the way towards a cleaner, greener planet.